Clear Conditions
Specific conditions apply on the various activities of OceanAir Forwarding. You can download these conditions below.
Unless expressly agreed in writing, our offers, acceptances, communications, contracts and activities are subject to the applicability of the following terms and conditions in their last registered version:
- National road transport: the AVC conditions 2002, as filed with the Clerk of the Courts of Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
- Other carriage: mandatorily applicable conventions / regulations which include for international road transport the CMR Convention for maritime transport, the Hague-Visby Rules, to air the Montreal Convention / Warsaw, for inland shipping the CMNI Convention.
- NVOCC: the rules of our House Bill of Lading.
- For shipping agency and ship brokerage: the General Dutch Shipbrokers and Agents.
- For pure storage: the Dutch Warehousing Conditions, including the arbitration clause, filed by FENEX at the Registry of the Court in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda and Rotterdam.
- For freight forwarding, customs work: the Dutch Forwarding Conditions, including the arbitration clause, filed by FENEX at the Registry of the Court in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda and Rotterdam.
All the above conditions will be made available on request.
Downloadable documents